Assistive Work Technology Assessment at Roosevelt Warm Springs

By adminawais 9 Min Read


Roosevelt Warm Springs is a historical and renowned rehabilitation facility. For decades, it has been helping individuals with disabilities overcome challenges and achieve independence. One of the key services offered at Roosevelt Warm Springs is Assistive Work Technology Assessment. This service plays a critical role in ensuring that people with disabilities can access tools and technology to succeed in their workplaces.

What Is Assistive Work Technology?

Assistive work technology refers to tools, devices, and software that help individuals with disabilities perform tasks that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. This technology includes both hardware and software, and it is designed to assist people with various types of disabilities, including physical, sensory, cognitive, and learning impairments.

Why Is Assistive Work Technology Important?

Assistive technology enables people with disabilities to:

  • Work more independently
  • Improve their productivity
  • Stay competitive in the job market
  • Reduce the need for physical assistance
  • Enhance their quality of life

This technology is particularly valuable in the workplace, where people with disabilities may face unique challenges. The right tools can empower them to perform tasks effectively and independently.

Overview of Roosevelt Warm Springs

Roosevelt Warm Springs, founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is a leading rehabilitation facility located in Georgia. The center has a rich history of helping people with disabilities through various therapies and programs. Today, one of the most important services they offer is Assistive Work Technology Assessment.

Services Offered at Roosevelt Warm Springs

  • Rehabilitation services
  • Vocational training
  • Occupational therapy
  • Assistive technology assessments
  • Career counseling and guidance

The assistive technology program is designed to help individuals with disabilities transition into the workforce successfully.

What Is Assistive Work Technology Assessment?

An Assistive Work Technology Assessment is a process that evaluates an individual’s specific needs and determines the best technology solutions to help them work effectively. The assessment involves examining the person’s abilities, job requirements, and the work environment to recommend the appropriate technology.

Key Components of the Assessment

Personal Evaluation

The first step is to assess the individual’s disability and how it affects their ability to work. This includes physical, cognitive, and sensory abilities.

Work Environment Evaluation

The next step is to evaluate the work environment to identify any potential barriers. This can include physical barriers, such as narrow doorways, or technological barriers, such as inaccessible software.

Task Analysis

The assessment also looks at the tasks the individual is expected to perform in their job. This helps to identify the specific tools or devices that could assist in completing those tasks more efficiently.

Technology Recommendations

Based on the personal and work environment evaluations, the assessors will recommend the most appropriate assistive technology. This could include items like speech recognition software, adapted keyboards, screen readers or ergonomic workstations.

Training and Support

After the technology is selected, training is provided to ensure the individual knows how to use the tools effectively. Ongoing support is also available to address any issues or adjustments that may arise.

Benefits of Assistive Work Technology Assessment at Roosevelt Warm Springs

There are several benefits of going through an assistive work technology assessment at Roosevelt Warm Springs:

Customized Solutions

The assessment is personalized to meet the unique needs of each individual, ensuring they receive the most effective tools for their specific situation.

Improved Job Performance

With the right assistive technology, individuals can perform tasks more efficiently, leading to increased productivity.

Enhanced Independence

Assistive technology allows individuals to work with less reliance on others, boosting their confidence and independence.

Access to Expert Knowledge

The staff at Roosevelt Warm Springs are experts in both rehabilitation and technology. They have the knowledge and experience needed to recommend the best solutions.

Assistive TechnologyDescription
Speech Recognition SoftwareConverts spoken words into text, allowing individuals with mobility issues to type hands-free.
Screen ReadersSoftware that reads aloud the content on a computer screen, ideal for individuals with vision impairments.
Ergonomic WorkstationsWorkstations designed to reduce strain and improve comfort for individuals with physical disabilities.
Adaptive KeyboardsKeyboards with customized layouts or larger keys for easier typing for individuals with motor impairments.
Alternative Input DevicesDevices such as joysticks or head pointers that allow individuals with limited mobility to control a computer.

How Does the Assessment Process Work at Roosevelt Warm Springs?

Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, the individual’s goals and challenges are discussed. This is an opportunity to gather information about their work environment, job duties, and any existing technology they may be using.

On-site Evaluation

The evaluators may visit the individual’s workplace to observe the environment and tasks they need to perform. This helps in making accurate recommendations.

Technology Trial

After the assessment, individuals can often try out different assistive devices and software. This helps ensure that the technology recommended is the best fit for their needs.

Key Points of an Assistive Technology Assessment

  • Personal evaluation of abilities and limitations
  • Environmental assessment of workplace barriers
  • Task analysis to identify assistive tools
  • Tailored technology recommendations
  • Ongoing support and training for using assistive devices

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the purpose of assistive work technology?

Assistive work technology helps individuals with disabilities perform tasks that would otherwise be difficult or impossible. It allows them to be more independent, productive, and competitive in the job market.

Who can benefit from an assistive work technology assessment?

Anyone with a disability who faces challenges in the workplace can benefit from an assistive work technology assessment. This includes individuals with physical, sensory, cognitive, and learning impairments.

How long does the assessment process take?

The duration of the assessment process varies depending on the complexity of the individual’s needs. However, most assessments take a few days to a week, including the evaluation, recommendation, and training phases.

What types of disabilities are addressed during the assessment?

The assessment covers a wide range of disabilities, including mobility impairments, vision or hearing loss, cognitive challenges, and learning disabilities.

What happens after the assessment?

After the assessment, the individual will receive recommendations for the assistive technology that will best support their work. Training and ongoing support are provided to ensure that the technology is used effectively.

Is assistive technology expensive?

The cost of assistive technology varies depending on the type of device or software. However, many organizations, including vocational rehabilitation agencies, offer financial assistance or can help individuals secure funding.


The Assistive Work Technology Assessment Roosevelt Warm Springs provides individuals with disabilities the tools and support they need to succeed in the workplace. With personalized evaluations, tailored technology recommendations, and ongoing support, individuals can achieve greater independence and productivity in their careers. Whether you’re dealing with physical limitations or other disabilities, Roosevelt Warm Springs is dedicated to helping you find the right solutions to overcome workplace challenges.

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